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Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Syllabus 2016-2017 Exam Pattern,Eligibility

Candidate who want to prepare well for this exam should have a look on this article because this article will tell you Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Syllabus 2016-2017 and all the information regarding this exam.As you all know that now a days the number of candidates on one post has become much more than expectation so you should have to prepare yourself in a very right way because almost candidates who have applied for the recruitment are greatly confused about what to prepare and how to prepare.Our Website will tell you the bottom to head about this exam.Both men and women can apply for this exam.Reading this article may be very helpful to you so read the article till to the end.

Syllabus For Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 2016-2017

Indian Coast Guard of India every year announces 

recruitment of eligible applicants in the post of 

Assistant Commandants through written exam and medical 

tests respectively. Those candidates who are interested 

to apply and prepare for the concerned exam can go 

through the detailed exam pattern and selection process 

for the concerned recruitment exam from the information 

as given here below.

Exam Pattern: 

There will be two stages namely –Written Exam and 

Medical Exam respectively conducted in the following 


1. Preliminary Selection Stage- It consists of the 

following tests to be conducted: MAT (Mental Ability 

Test), PP & DT (Picture Perception and Discussion Test).

2. Final Selection Stage- It consists of the following 

main tests namely- Psychological Test, Group Testing & 

Interview and PABT (for GD Pilots only) and Medical 

Examination respectively. 

* MAT (Mental Ability Test): This paper shall include 

objective type questions on General Awareness and 

Reasoning both Verbal and Non Verbal types for the 

candidates to be solved in the given time frame. 

* Picture Perception and Discussion Test: This shall 

include questions like showing a picture for 30 seconds 

and identifying the picture and then writing a story in 

4 minutes on the same picture as per your perception for 

it. This shall be followed by a Group Discussion which 

will be done on the stories written by each candidate 

for the picture perception. 

* TAT (Thematic Appreciation Test): This comes under the 

psychological tests as conducted for the final selection 

of the candidates. It will include questions on picture 

story writing. There will be 12 slides shown to the 

applicants for 30 seconds each which will decide the 

story for the candidates. 

* WAT (Word Association Test): Under this test, 60 words 

are shown in quick succession for 15 seconds. The 

applicants are required to write about their thoughts in 

one single line or sentence. 

* SD (Self- Description Test): Under this exam, the 

candidates will have to describe their own self through 

a passage. These are some of the main tests that are 

included under the Assistant Commandants Recruitment 

Exam. The candidates should qualify in all the above 

stated exams to qualify in the final selection for this 


Candidate who want to apply for this exam then he must be a citizen of India or a subject of Nepal or Bhutan.Candidate must have a 3 year graduation degree from any authorized university or institution.Candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained 25 years.Height should be minimum 157 cms, chest should be well appropriate and should ahve a minimum expansion of 5 cms.Weight should be according to age and height +10% will be acceptable.Eye sight should be 6/9 uncorrected without glass and 6/6 corrected with glass.

Syllabus For Assistant Commandant is given below:

MAT (Mental Ability Test):

MAT exam consist of questions from:

General Awareness

Current Affairs (National and International)
Major financial /Economic News
Budget and Five Year Plans
Books and Authors
Awards and Honors
Science – Inventions and Discoveries
Important Days
International and National Organizations
Famous personalities

Test of Reasoning


Number Series
Alphabet Series
Test of Direction Sense
Number Ranking
Arithmetical Reasoning
Problem on Age Calculation
Blood Relations
Decision Making etc.

Non Verbal Series
Mirror Images
Cubes and Dice
Grouping Identical Figures
Embedded Figures etc

So here you read the Syllabus For Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 2016-2017 and if you have any problem regarding this exam then you may leave us a comment,we will surely help you.


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