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Friday, 15 July 2016

UPPCL Exam Syllabus, Answer Key, Admit Card, Result 2016

The Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) posted a recruitment notification for all the eligible and talented candidate for the available government vacancies. The candidate can apply online for the examination. There are total 197 vacancies are available for the the post of Stenographer, Office Assistant, ARO, APS and Assistant Accountant in 2016. The UPPCL Syllabus 2016 is available on the official website of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL). The candidate can check UPPCL Recruitment 2016 notification on the official web portal. The candidate can apply through its official website. The syllabus has been uploaded on the official web site by the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL).The candidate have to apply before the last date of application form submission. The candidate who have completed their bachelor degree or similar from the recognized university or institution are eligible to apply for the examination.
The candidate can Download Syllabus from the official web portal of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL).

UPPCL Syllabus 2016:-

The UPPCL Assistant Reviewing Officer (ARO) Syllabus 2016 and examination pattern is available here with complete detail. This article is for the UPPCL Examination,candidate can check full details about the examination on the website. The Stenographer, Office Assistant, Additional Private Secretary Syllabus is available on the official web site of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL). The examination pattern of the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) is given below:-
UPPCL Assistant Review Officer Exam Pattern 2016:-
  1. General Studies/ Reasoning:- This paper consist of 50 questions for 50 marks.
  2. General Hindi/Grammar:- This paper contain 50 question for 50 marks.
  3. General English:- This paper is for 50 marks and contain 50 questions.
The time duration is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The total marks of examination in 150.
Stenographer Grade III Exam Pattern:-
  1. General Studies/ Reasoning:- This paper consist of 50 questions for 50 marks.
  2. General Hindi/Grammar:- This paper contain 50 question for 50 marks.
  3. General English:- This paper is for 50 marks and contain 50 questions.
The time duration is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The total marks of examination in 150.
Assistant Grade III Exam Pattern:-
  1. General Studies/ Reasoning:- This paper consist of 50 questions for 50 marks.
  2. General Hindi/Grammar:- This paper contain 50 question for 50 marks.
  3. General English:- This paper is for 50 marks and contain 50 questions.
The time duration is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The total marks of examination in 150.
Assistant Grade III  Accountant Exam Pattern:-
  1. Mathematics:- This paper contain 25 questions for 25 marks.
  2. General Hindi and General English:- This paper is for 5o marks and contain 50 questions.
  3. Accountancy and General book keeping:- This is for 75 marks and contain 75 questions.
The time duration is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The total marks of examination in 150.

 UPPCL Admit Card 2016:-

 The UPPCL Assistant Accountant Admit Card 2016  is available on the website before the examination. The candidate have to Download Assistant Reviewing Officer (ARO) Admit Card for their examination.The admit card will be released by the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) for the examination.  The admit card will be in good condition on the examination day. All the candidate have to keep admit card safe till the day of result announcement.The admit card contain important details for the examination. The candidate have to save Stenographer, Office Assistant, Additional Private Secretary Admit Card 2016 for the following information:-
  1. Name of the candidate.
  2. Candidate examination registration number.
  3. Time table for the examination.
  4. Center of the examination/Complete address of examination center.
 The candidate must have their admit card the the time of examination. The admit card should be in good condition and the details should be clearly visible. The admit card is the compulsory thing at the time of examination. The candidate who Don't have admit card they should not be allowed to the examination hall. Download Admit Card for the examination day from the official website. 

 UPPCL Hall Ticket 2016:-

 The candidate who don't have admit card should not be permitted in the examination hall. The admit card should be checked by the examiner at the in the examination hall during the examination. The UPPCL Assistant Accountant Hall Ticket 2016 can be downloaded from the official website.The candidate must have their one valid identity proof and one photograph.Mobile phone, Calculator, water bottle and any other electronic device are not allowed in the examination hall.The admit card and identity proof will be checked by the examiner at the time of examination. Only talented and eligible candidate should be selected for these posts. The  Selected candidate should be called for their interview by the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL).  A list will be prepared for the selected candidate who qualify the examination. The candidate who qualifying the examination with aggregate marks their names will be available in the merit list. The Assistant Reviewing Officer (ARO) Hall Ticket is available for candidate before the examination. If any candidate caught with the cheating material their examination should be cancelled. 
The candidate can  Download Hall Ticket from the official web portal. The some important details about the organization is given below:-
  •  Name of the organization:Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL).    
  • Name of the post:- various
  1.  Stenographer Grade III:- 15 posts
  2. Additional Private Secretory:- 25 posts
  3. Office Assistant (Grade III):- 11 posts
  4. Office Assistant ( Accountant Grade III):- 03 posts
  5. Assistant Reviewing:- 74 posts
  6. Assistant Accountants:- 69 posts
  • Date of examination:- Available soon
  • Total number of posts:- 228 posts
  • Mode of application:- Online
  • Status of examination syllabus:- Available on the official website
  • Admit card status:- Available 10 to 12 days before the examination.
  •  Location of the job:-Uttar Pradesh 

UPPCL Answer Key 2016:-

The UPPCL Assistant Accountant Answer Key 2016 is available on the website after the examination. The answer key is the basic hint of the marks in examination. After the examination candidate can match their answers. These answer key will issued by the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL).  on its official website. The candidate can Download Assistant Reviewing Officer (ARO) Answer Key to check their answer. The answer key indirect give the proper result to the candidate. The candidate had idea about their marks from the answer keys. The candidate are able to know the correct answer of examination question from the answer keys. The Stenographer, Office Assistant, Additional Private Secretary Answer Key will be uploaded on the official web portal after the examination. The candidate can download Download Answer Key from the official web site of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL). 

How to Download UPPCL Result 2016:-

  1. Step:- The  candidate need to visit  the official website of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) .
  2.  Step:-  The candidate have to search for the notification of Download UPPCL Result 2016 and click on it, this link will go for the page of result.
  3. Step:-  The Candidate have to fill the required details of candidate like registration number,date of birth and candidate name.
  4.  Step:- Fill the correct detail then click on submit botton.
  5. Step:- The result will be in pdf file so candidate have to download the result in pdf format.
  6. Step:-  The candidate can save their result and take print out for the further use.
The candidate can check official website for the new notification or any other query. Stay in touch with official website for the new updates.


  1. Computer 29
    II nd paper 88
    Any chance

    1. Sir hmko review officer ka paper chahie

    2. Here is the link for all UPPCL Assistant Reviewing Officer (ARO) Previous Year Papers :- UPPCL Assistant Reviewing Officer Previous Year Papers . Click on it and you will be redirected to all the previous year exam papers.
