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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Independence Day (15th August) Speech/ Essay for Students

The  Date 15th of August from 1947 in India  has become an important day in the Indian History. It was the luckiest day for all the Indians. On this day India become Independent after lots of hard struggle and sacrifice of the Indian freedom fighters. When India got its Independence the public of India has chosen their first Prime Minister - Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. On this year we are going to celebrate our 70th Independence day. Here this article is specially for the Independence Day speech. Student can Prepare their Best Independence Day Speech on the 70th Independence day.  Here is an effective Indian Independence Day Speech for the Students.

Independence Day Speech for Students :-

 "Honorable Chief Guest of day , recognized visitors of this event instructors , parents as well as almost all my friends. I am feeling proud to say that today we are celebrating our 70th Independence Day. 15th August of every and each year is absolutely a gold day inscribed inside the history of our nation.

Independence day in India is the most important day for every Indian Citizen. On this day our country got freedom from the British rule. We celebrate this day every year on 15th of August from 1947. The Britishers had ruled our country for 150 years. In fact , they come to India as ordinary traders but becomes its rulers. Our country is counted as the world's largest democracy all over the world.  The period between 1857 - 1947 is called the " India Freedom Struggle". During this period so many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives to the nation with only one motive , that is to get freedom from the British slavery rule. 

Irrespective of gender age caste everybody fought for the freedom of country. India become an Independent  country on 15th of August in 1947 after sacrifices of thousands of freedom fighters (such as Mahatma Gandhi , Bhagat Singh , Neta ji Subhash Chandra Bose , Sardar Vallabh bhai patel , Abdul kalam Azad , Sukhdev , Gopal Krishna Gokhle , Chandra Shekhar Azad etc) who worked hard to get independence from the British rule.

Independence day is celebrated with great fanfare in the capital of all the state as well as in the union territories. But in Delhi, it is celebrated in a special way. On this day, the Prime Minister of India unfurls the National Flag at red fort in front of a huge gathering of Indian people and foreign dignitaries. The Prime Minister also delivers a speech in which the progress make by the nation , the problem encountered by the nation and the dangers that lie ahead are highlighted. The people hear this speech with the rapt attention. Independence day in India is celebrated with the national flag salute by the 21 guns firing. Similarly Independence day celebration takes place in every state of the country where Governor and the Chief Minister of the states become main guests. Some people get prepared in the early morning and wait for the speech of the Indian Prime Minister at television.

Each and every Indian celebrate freedom in their own way such a decorating their places of celebration , raising national flag , march past ,watching favourite movies , dancing , singing national anthem , patriotic songs and many social activities organized at public places.
It has been declared as the national holiday when all the government and private institution , offices , organization companies , universities etc remain closed. It is celebrated with big enthusiasm in every school , colleges and other institutions by the students.

we look back to all the years after the Independence , It is really pride that India is grown as one of the most powerful nation in the last 6 decades. Indian has the largest democracy in the world. As a result of the efforts by million of Indians made our country stronger in all fields. Now , India is one of the top developing countries in the world. And days are not far to call India a develop country.

Here is an another speech for all the students which they can use in schools and colleges in front of the public and students.

Read More :- Independence Day Speech in English

15th August - Independence Day Speech for Students :-

"Respected Teachers , parents and dear friends. Today we have gathered here to celebrate out 7oth Independence day. As we all all know that is 15 August 1947 India got Independence from the British rule and since them we got some fundamental rights and overall right to call , India as own nation.

We the Indians are proud to be a citizen of a free country having largest democracy in the world. we have got several rights , most of all rights to choose government. But on the other side we should remember our duties too. We have to respect this Independence for which our freedom fighter struggled to the extent of sacrificing everything including their lives.
Independence day is celebrated all over the India as a national holiday of India. It is observed every year in every Indian state and union territories with great enthusiasm. President of India give a speech every year in order to " Address to the nation " on the evening of a day before the Independence day. It is celebrated with big passion in the capital of our country on 15th o August where the Prime Minister of India Hoists the Indian Flag on the red fort , Delhi. After the flag hoists National Anthem song is sung and twenty one gun shots are fired to salute the Indian flag and solemn occasion.

The Prime Minister of India highlights over all the achievement of past year , important social issues and solution, further development in the country, educational matters etc during his speech on the Independence after tribute to the freedom fighter and leaders of Indian Independence movement who had sacrificed their lives.  A grand march past take place by the Indian Armed force and paramilitary force. The celebration of Indian Independence day takes place in Different state of diverse cultural traditions where chief minister of individual state hoists the national flag flowed by various cultural activities by the participants.

At the time of Independence India is under developed country and now India is developed country. As a student it is our responsibility to make India as developed country in next coming years. we the students are the future of our country should stand strong and should be ready to fight any time. We should be proud to be an Indian as it is the only country who fought with peace and non - violence. After getting Independence India is coming forward in all fields and giving tough competition to all  other develop countries. If we continue and remember our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives \, with in no time India will become developed country. This day is celebrated as the our national festival.

These are the two speech for the 15th August - Independence day celebration

Read More :- Independence Day Speech for Teachers

Best Independence Day Speech for Students :-

These are the two Indian Independence day Inspirational Speech for the students. Students can use these speech on  Independence Day in school , college and institute etc. On this day let us take a pledge that we in India will work hard towards the progress of our country and mother land and keep up her name and fame in the world. We have to grow up as a responsible citizen , contribute to our level best for growth and development of our country. Let's us take a pledge on this 70th Independence day that we will work for our country and always keeps our national flag high.

Read More :- Independence Day Speech in Hindi

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