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Wednesday, 11 May 2016

How Hackers Attack Through APT Entry Points

Attack Through APT Entry Points

Data sharing becomes more discreet for business communications. Advanced Persistent Threats are the part of the new wave data techniques. These attacks are not more frequent, But APTs escape from corporate security monitoring system by coming through PDF files, or through e-mails, business tool, trusted communication & familiar software. It is not much costly to prevent APT entry points than solve the threat inside your system. If you want to secure your system, you must understand how hackers attack through APT entry points.

Types Hackers Attack with APT Entry Points 

Hackers use different type of APT entry points, it depends on the how is security system. They have many tricks to break our security system. Most common ATP attack entry point is emailing. Email can allows access of your data to hackers when an employee opens email attachments like PDF files or MS Word document. Once the attachment is active, malware starts downloading in your system to obtain your data. Increasing the usage of mobile devices, mobile emailing, instant messaging, email application are the target of APTS entry points. Microsoft Office Suit and Adobe products are the mosdt frequently exploited programs.

Five Steps to APT Entry Points

Gathering Intelligence: During this phase APT attack is rare to detect. To gain information for attack targets, hackers performs external research through the open web portals like social networking sites.
Point of Entry Execution:  The malware is comes through email, instant messenger, file download or software exploitation. Hackers directs hack the website or the server to attack.
C&C (Command and Control):  The hacker makes the malware to control and direct the search for data & copy the all data.

Data Identification: The point of gaining entry through an APT point is to identify desired data. The hacker uses different techniques to research the data’s location.

Data Harvesting: The data are identified, harvested and extracted. The hacker typically uses tools like encryption to cover the data being transmitted to external servers. That server controls by the hackers.

Security Against APT Threat

APT threats is a different and advance type of hacking technique to obtain or access the larger amount of data. ATP identify the system weakness with an entire IT risk management assessment. Always be sure you have antivirus software with the latest version installed because software updates often address the known security menace.

Your organization faces to  determine the level of threat by use the data collected from the risk management assessment. An enhanced network security product that includes specific controls to prevent targeted attacks.

By understanding how hackers attack through APT entry points, it’s possible to threat-proof your infrastructure against security violation.


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