Most of the person don't know that they can use their WhatsApp on their computer too. It's very simple. If you too don't know how to use WhatsApp on PC then read this article and you will find the way to do so. But firstly you need to know weather you can use it or not because here are some conditions to use any WhatsApp product or app. You should have one of the following device -
- Android
- iPhone 8.1+
- Nokia S60, Nokia S40 EVO
- BlackBerry and BlackBerry 10
- Windows Phone 8.0 and 8.1
If you have any one of these then you can use this method. Now let's directly jump to the methods to use your WhatsApp on computer.
How to use WhatsApp on your Computer :-
1. Setting up WhatsApp App :-
It's a great feature in WhatsApp. If you don't know how to set up WhatsApp Web then follow the given steps.
Step 1 - Open this link on your computer -
You will see a page like this. You can see that the steps to use that feature is given below on the page itself.
Step 2 - Now open WhatsApp on your phone.
Step 3 - Go to settings and click on "WhatsApp Web" option.
After clicking on it, it will ask you to scan a code.
Step 4 - Scan the QR Code displaying on your PC.
You are done now. You can see all chats on your computer screen now. It is the first method to do that. There is another method which can help you to use WhatsApp on your computer. Have a look on the second method.
2. Setting up WhatsApp's desktop app :-
This is similar to using WhatsApp Web but in this method you need to download the application first after that you can use it. If you don't know how to set up WhatsApp's desktop app then follow us.
Step 1 - Firstly download the suitable version of this application from this link
If you use Mac then donwload the Mac version and if you use Windows then download Windows version.
Step 2 - If you use Mac then unzip the file and move to the Application folder and if you use Windows then run .exe file and follow the prompts.
Step 3 - After completing the basic steps you will see a QR there, go to Settings of your WhatsApp in mobile phone and select WhatsApp Web.
Step 4 - Scan the code displaying on PC.
That's it. You are done.
These are the two ways to operate WhatsApp through PC but here is one thing that you must take care about that if you use public computer or laptop then don't forget to logout. It won't logout itself, you need to log that out yourself otherwise anyone else can read your private conversation. So take care about it and tell us that weather these methods helped you or not by commenting below.
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