The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) recently issued the notification for the job opening and recruitment for the candidate. The Maharashtra Public Service Commission released advertisement for the (MPSC) Civil Judge recruitment 2016 for the 131 vacancies of the of the Maharashtra Judicial magistrate posts. It is the good opportunity for the candidate who want to do government civil job in MPSC. The MPSC Exam Syllabus 2016 is available on the official website of MPSC. It is the toughest exam,candidate have to do hard work for getting this post. Every year MPSC releases the various job vacancies for the candidate. The candidate who want to build their carrier in the field of government job can apply for the examination. The candidate who apply before the deadline of application form they are able to sit in examination. The Civil Judge Main Exam Admit card 2016 will be available on the website of MPSC for the candidate.The MPSC invites the talented and eligible candidate for the post of Maharashtra PSC Civil Judge. The candidate who qualify the preliminary examination with the prescribed marks only those are eligible for this Main Examination.
Download Civil Judge Exam Syllabus 2016 from the official website.
MPSC Civil Judge (JD) Main Syllabus 2016:-
This is the good news for all the candidates who applied for Civil Judge Main Examination, the syllabus is available on the official site of MPSC Many applicant have enrolled for the examination and now they are searching on internet for the previous exams and about the syllabus. It is counted in one of the toughest examination for the government job. The candidate who want to build their carrier in the field of civil service they must take the chance by giving the examination.Candidate who have applied for the MPSC Maharashtra judicial magistrate Examination 2016 should read this article.This article will give you the full information regarding this exam.This article mainly contains MPSC civil judge Syllabus 2016. As per the applicant need the MPSC releases the syllabus of any exam on its official website. The candidate can download the syllabus from its official website. The candidate can download the syllabus by following these steps:-
- Step:- Go to the official website of MPSC.
- Step:- Click on the notification about the syllabus.
- Step:- Download the MPSC examination Syllabus 2016.
- Step:- Save in your computer or laptop.
Candidate can easily download the syllabus by following these steps. Download complete syllabus of Civil Judge Examination:-
Click here :-MPSC Civil Judge (JD) & Judicial Magistrate (Mains)Syllabus
The Maharashtra PSC Civil Judge and judicial magistrate Mains Examination contain two subjects:-
- Law,IPC
- Criminal Laws
Maharashtra Civil Judge Admit Card 2016:-
- The candidate without admit card should not be permitted in the examination hall.
- The candidate must have their one valid identity proof and one photograph.
- Mobile phone, Calculator, water bottle and any other electronic device are not allowed in the examination hall.
- The admit card and identity proof will be checked by the examiner at the time of examination.
- If any candidate caught with the cheating material their examination should be cancelled.
Maharashtra Civil Judge (JD) Exam Hall Ticket 2016:-
The examination hall ticket/call letter/admit card is an important document for the examination. The hall ticket will be available before the examination. All the candidate must make sure that they are eligible for the Main Examination. Only talented and eligible candidate should be selected for the post of Civil Judge and judicial judge. Selected candidate should be called for their interview by the MPSC. A list will be prepared for the selected candidate who qualify the examination. The candidate who qualifying the examination with aggregate marks their names will be available in the merit list. The hall ticket will be available in some sort of time for all the candidate. The eligibility criteria for the Main Examination is given below:-
- Age limit for the candidate:- The candidate age should be minimum 21 year and maximum 35 year. The candidate those are from the reserved category will get benefit as per government rules.
- Educational qualification:- The candidate should have LLB/LLM or its equivalent degree from the recognized by university and institution.
- Selection of the candidate:- The selection of the candidate should be based of the performance in the written examination and their personal interview.
Maharashtra Civil Judge Main Exam Answer Key 2016:-
The candidate can see the answer key from the official website. The candidate can count their marks through the hint of answer key. This is the indirect result of the examination for the candidate. The answer key will be in pdf file format, candidate have to download the answer key for their further use.The answer key will be available on the website after the examination.The Maharashtra Maharashtra PSC Civil Judge Main Examination Answer Key 2016 is released on the official website. The answer key will be available on the official website after the examination. Candidate have to Download MPSC Civil Judge (JD) Answer Key 2016 for their use.
- Last date of application forms:- 12 April 2016
- Due date to pay application fee:- 13 April 2016
- Date of examination:- 09th September 2016
Maharashtra Civil Judge Exam Result 2016:-
The result will be available in some sort of time after the examination. The merit list contain the qualified candidate names who qualify the examination with prescribed marks. The qualified candidate will be called for their interview by the commission. The result will be available soon after the examination. The candidate have to Download Maharashtra PSC Civil Judge Result 2016 from the official website.
- Organization name:- MPSC
- Type of job:- Government job
- Location of the job:- Maharashtra
- Mode of application:- Online
- Total Vacancies:- 131 Vacancies
- Name of the post:- Junior Civil Judge and Judicial magistrate
- Pay scale for the candidate:- Rs 27,700 to 47,700/- as per the organisation norms.
How to Download MPSC Civil Judge Main Result 2016:-
- Step:- Firstly, candidate need to go on the official website - .
- Step:- Now, search for the notification of result and follow it, this link is for the page of result.
- Step:- Candidate have to fill the important details of candidate like registration number,date of birth and candidate name.
- Step:- Fill the correct detail then click on submit.
- Step:- The result will be in pdf file so candidate have to download the result in pdf file format.
- Step:- Save the result and take print out for the further use.
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