The (MPPEB) Madhya Pradesh Home Police Department recently releases the notification for the for the various recruitment in the Police Department. In MPPEB Madhya Pradesh Home Police Department 863 vacancies are available for the post of Police Sub-Inspector, Subedar and Platoon Commander ( Technical) and non-Technical posts through MPPEB. The Madhya Pradesh Vyapam SI Syllabus 2016 will be available on the website. Candidate have to practice more to clear the examination. The examination will be conducting by MPPEB. Madhya Pradesh Home Police Department invites the talented and eligible candidate for the Police Department Service. The examination will be held on 04th September 2016 by MPPEB. The syllabus is available for candidates on the web portal. The selection of the candidate should be based on the performance in the written examination and their physical test. The candidate who are interested in these job can apply for the examination.
MPPEB Exam Syllabus 2016:-
All the aspirant who want to build their carrier in the police department they must take chance by giving the examination for the (MPPEB) Madhya Pradesh Home Police Department. MPPEB is also known as the MP Vyapam Examination Board of MP State. The MPPEB SI Admit Card will be available soon for all the candidate.
- Name of the organization:- Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board
- Number of vacancies:- 863 vacancies
- Location of the job:- Madhya Pradesh
- Name of the posts:- Various posts
- Sub-Inspector:-747 posts
- Platoon Commander (Technical and non-Technical):- 53 posts
- Subedar:- 63 posts
- 33% reservation are applicable for the female candidate in these posts:-
- Subedar
- Sub-Inspector (District Police department)
- Sub-Inspector (Special Branch)
- Sub-Inspector (Armed)
- Sub-Inspector (Q.D)
- Sub-Inspector (Radio)
- Sub-Inspector (Forensic Department)
- Platoon Commander
MPPEB Subedhar Syllabus 2016:-
The (MPPEB) Madhya Pradesh Home Police Department examination is going to held on 04th September 2016. The MP Vyapam Platoon Commander Syllabus 2016 is available for all the candidate. Candidate can download the syllabus for their examination preparation. The examination is a objective based written examination. The MPPEB examination pattern is given below:-
- Technical examination Pattern:-
- Chemistry paper:- The Chemistry paper is for 33 marks.
- Geography paper:- This paper portion is also for 33 marks.
- Mathematics paper:- This is for 34 marks.
- Non-technical examination paper:-
- English paper:- The English paper is for 30 marks.
- Hindi paper:- The Hindi paper is for 7o marks.
- General knowledge:- The General knowledge paper is for 100 marks.
Madhya Pradesh Vyapam SI Admit Card 2016:-
- Online Application forms available:- 23rd June 2016
- Last date for the submission of application forms:- 22nd July 2016
- Tentative date of the written examination:- 04 September 2016
- Official website:-
- Pay scale for the candidate is:- Rs 9300-34800+GP 3600/-
Madhya Pradesh Vyapam SI Hall Ticket 2016:-
All the aspirants who are interested in the government job can apply for the examination and join the services by qualifying the examination. The MPPEB SI Hall Ticket is available soon on the official website. The admit card releases by MPPEB on its official website. The admit card shall be issued to the successfully registered candidate only. The candidate who fill the wrong details, un-complete form and don,t get registered completely their admit cards are not available on the official website. The hall ticket will release soon for all the candidates. The admit card will be releases two or three weeks before the preliminary examination. MPPEB will upload the admit card on its official web portal. Every candidate must have their admit card at the time of examination. The candidate without admit card should not be permitted in the examination hall. Mobile phones, calculator ,water bottles and other electronic device should not be allowed in the examination hall. Candidate must have their one valid identity proof recognized from the government and one passport size photograph. The candidates have to download it from the official website of commission. The admit card will be in good condition at the time of examination. The admit card and identity proof will be checked by the examiner at the time of examination in the examination hall. If any candidate is caught with mobile phone and other cheating material their examination should be cancelled. The Admit card should be in pdf file format candidate have to download the pdf file for their admit card.The admit card should contain following information are given below:-
- Name of the candidate
- Examination roll number of the candidate
- Time table of examination
- Examination center/Complete address of examination center
Madhya Pradesh Subedhar, SI, Platoon Commander Answer Key 2016:-
The MPPEB Answer Key 2016 is available on the official website after the examination. The candidate will check their examination answer form the answer keys on the website. The candidate can calculate their marks after checking their answers from the answer keys. From the answers keys candidate have the hint about their marks. In answer keys the answers of examination paper will be in series. The candidate can match their answer form the answers keys on the official website. The answer keys will be provided on the official website of MPPEB. The candidates have to save the answer key from the official website.
Madhya Pradesh Vyapam SI Result 2016:-
All the candidate must ensure that they meet all the require eligibility criteria for the MPPEB Subedhar, SI, Platoon Commander (Police Recruitment Test). The MP Vyapam Subedhar Result will be available on the official website for the candidate. The candidates have to save the result from that site. It will be in pdf file format. The eligibility criteria for the candidate is given below:-
- Age limit for the candidate:- The candidate age should be minim 21 year and maximum age is 28 year on 1 January 2016. The reserved category will get benefit as per the government rules.
- Physical eligibility for the candidate:-
- The male candidate height should be 167.5cm and chest is 81cm and female height is 152.4cm and weight is correlated with height.
- 800 meter running test:- The time of running for male candidate is 2 min 40 sec, for female candidate is 3 min 30 sec and for Ex-serviceman is 3 min 15 sec.
- Long jump test:- There is 13 feet for the male candidate,10 feet for female and 10 feet for Ex-serviceman.
- Shotput:- The 19 feet throw is for male candidate, 15 feet for female and 15 feet throw for Ex-serviceman.
- Educational qualification:- The candidate must have their bachelor degree in the required stream according to the post.
Madhya Pradesh Vyapam Result 2016:-
The MP Vyapam Subedhar Result 2016 for the vacant vacancies will be available in the soon. The candidate who fill the correct details in the examination their result will be available on the official website of MPPEB and those candidate who fill the wrong details like name of the candidate,date of birth and registration number their result will be in error or not available on the official website. The result will be announced some days after the examination. The candidate have to wait for some days for their result after the examination.
Download Madhya Pradesh Subedhar Exam Result 2016:-
- Step:- The candidate need to visit the official website of Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB)
- Step:- Candidate have to search the notification of download result and then click on it, this link will take the candidate to the result page.
- Step:- Now, candidate have to submit the require details like name of the candidate, date of birth and registration number of the candidate.
- Step:- Submit all the correct details.
- Step:- The result will be in pdf file format candidate have to download the pdf file for their result.
- Step:- Save the result in your computer and take print out for further use.
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