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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

How to Color Alternate Rows in Google Sheets With Simple Trick?

Microsoft office provide a handy feature called "Quick Styles" in Microsoft Excel & other Programs To help you to quickly format a striped table. You can see the zebra lines in the table means to say that alternating rows are format with different colors. see the example below:

Color Alternate Rows in Google Sheets

Color Alternate Rows in Google Sheets

You can use conditional formatting combined with a simple formula of google to make a formatted table because google doesn't support zebra stripes.You can apply alternating colors for both rows & columns in google sheets with google formula easily.

Open a google sheet and in the format menu choose alternating formatting. From the dropdown menu select custom formula and put this formula in the input box.

If you want to apply colors 1 to 100 rows for A to Z columns, Set the range as A1:Z100

Click on the "add another rule" link & repeat the steps you have done before but set =ISODD(ROW()) as the formula & choose the background color. Save them & zebra stripes will be applied to the particular range of cells.
Color Alternate Rows in Google Sheets
Tip: If you want to use this technique to format columns with different colors, use the =ISEVEN(COLUMN()) formula. Simple!


  1. Thanks for the info. Here is another approach to format alternate rows with colors. Check this add-on.

    1. You are welcome and thanks for your alternative approach.
