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Monday, 16 May 2016

Haryana TET Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2016

Haryana TET Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2016

HTET Admit Card 2016

The board of school haryana education has decided to held the haryana teacher eligibility test 2016 & exam would be held in August last week. And after filling the online application form & the resgistration date is over now candidates are waiting for the admit card. HBSE would be given the admit card on the official site. The candidates which would be waiting for the HTET Exam 2016 Admit card they must be download from the official web portal. Candidates may check the notifications related to the exams.

Candidates which are going to apply for the HTET exam 2016. the students would be able to download their admit cards from the website. If any candidate have any doubt related to the admit card visit the website
Examination dateCategoryTiming
30th of August 2015Level –I10:30am  to 1:00 pm
30th of August 2015Level-II3:00 pm to 5:30 pm
31st of August 2015Level-III3:00 pm to 5:30 pm
And after the completion of the level of apply for the HTET exam, haryana education board would declare the admit card for the eligible candidate. The candidate don't need to visit any webportal. The candidates may follow the below given process of how to download admit card/hall ticket.
# Kindly visit the website that is
# Then select the admit card link.
#  And choose the HTET admit card link.


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