Banjo movie is Indian bollywood drama movie which released on 23 September across the worldwide. Banjo movie directed by Ravi Jadhav and produced by Krishika Lulla under the Eros International banner. Banjo movie features Riteish Deshmukh, Nargis Fakhri in lead role. In this post we are going to provide the first day box office collection of Banjo movie. In this movie Ritesh Deshmukh playing character of Banjo player while Nargis playing role of DJ in this film. This movie has shot across the worldwide.
First Day Box Office Collection Of Banjo Movie:
Banjo movie is indian bollywood movie released on 23 September across the worldwide. In this movie Riteish Deshmukh, Nargis Fakhri are in lead role In this movie ritesh Deshmukh playing role of Banjo player in this movie.Banjo movie directed by Ravi Jadhav and produced by Krishika Lulla. The opening of Banjo movie was normal and collect normal amount on its first day of opening. The story of this movie is really nice and really appreciated by audience. The Pricipal photography for this movie began at the end on January 2016. Ritesh Deshmukh mainly known for his comedy acting but in this movie Ritesh Deshmukh playing role of Banjo player. Here is the complete description for the first day box office collection of Banjo movie.
Banjo movie first day box office Indian Collection 4 Cr
Banjo movie first day box office Worldwide Collection 1.6 Cr
Banjo movie first day box office Total Collection 5.6 Cr
1st Day Earning Of Banjo Movie:
Here was the first day box office earning of Banjo movie.This movie collect 5.6 Cr on tis first day of opening which is not a bad collection for this movie.The story of this movie is good and audience really appreciated this movie.In this movie the acting of Ritesh Deshmukh was really nice.The trailer of this movie is also good. Here is the trailer of Banjo movie.
This is our prediction for the first day box office collection of Banjo movie.We will update for the exact box office first day collection of Banjo movie.
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